Support for Care-Experienced and Estranged Students
At the University of Cambridge, we welcome applications from all backgrounds.
Care leavers and estranged students (young people studying without the support and approval of a family network) may have specific concerns when considering or starting university, and it’s important to us that they feel supported during this time.
Here you can find more information about what support Trinity Hall provides for our students who have experience of care and/or are estranged.

At Trinity Hall, we provide all undergraduates with College accommodation for the first three or four years of their course. Students have the option to take an Academic Year licence, which allows them to stay in their rooms for the full academic year.
Financial Support
The University offers extensive financial support to ensure that students can meet the cost of their education, regardless of background. This includes the Cambridge Bursary Scheme, which offers non-repayable bursaries for living costs to eligible students. If you are a care leaver or estranged student, you may be eligible for a higher level of Cambridge Bursary. For information on eligibility and how to apply, see the Cambridge Bursary Scheme website.
Your local authority may provide you with additional after-care support if you’re under 25 and in education. We recommend that you contact your local authority to discuss the financial support available to you.

Every student at the College has a Director of Studies, who oversees academic progress, and a College Tutor, who will provide pastoral support and can advise on any personal or financial matters. The Wellbeing Team is also available for direct support or referral to another University service, such as the University Counselling Service and the Disability Resource Centre.
To ensure you receive the full range of support available to you as a care leaver, you should indicate in your UCAS application that you have spent time in care.
Trinity Hall offers travel funding to our outreach events to young people who are or have been in care, travelling by standard-class train. To check your eligibility for funding for a specific event, please email the Schools & Colleges Liaison Officer. Your application will require external verification before the funding can be approved.
If you are or have been in care, or are supporting a young person currently or previously in care, and would like more information about visiting or studying at the University and the support available, please contact the Realise Team at the Cambridge Admissions Office. The Realise Team specialise in supporting individuals with care experience, and are always happy to offer advice and answer questions that you might have.
For questions specific to Trinity Hall, please email the Admissions team.