Clubs and Societies
Nurturing potential
Purpose: to ensure Trinity Hall continues to provide the necessary facilities for students to take part in sport, music or drama at the highest level and further develop their talents.
Current focus:
- supporting THBC through contributions towards the Boathouse extension and new equipment
- supporting College music and the chapel choir
Why support clubs and societies?
Taking part in College clubs and societies is an integral part of University life and helps students develop an all-round education and skills that will help them when they graduate. Our students are not just talented academically: many have gone on to become international athletes – even Olympic medal winners – or award winning actors; the support from Trinity Hall enabled them to develop their talents.
Trinity Hall Boat Club (THBC)
THBC has a long tradition of success. THBC is the most successful Cambridge club at Henley Royal Regatta with dozens of Henley wins. Our aim as a club is to continue to rise through the Bumps charts and compete off the Cam. To achieve this, we are seeking generous support to enhance the Boat Club’s space and equipment by extending the Boathouse and purchasing up to date equipment. These projects will help secure the future and success of THBC.
“Over the years the Club has had ups and downs, but what remains a constant for THBC is the team spirit that exudes from its most junior to most senior members. Right now, the Club is on a real high, and as former members we need to do all we can to encourage those crews to advance their progress.”
Kate Grose (1977)
The Boathouse
The Boathouse has insufficient space for all the crews to train safely and effectively at the same time. Timetabling limited gym space within pressured Cambridge work schedules is difficult. To combat these issues we intend to build an extension to the west to offer a further 1900 square feet of space for training.
The additional space will allow more flexibility in training times, making it easier for crews to train more effectively together. The extension will also offer much more space for crews to undertake circuits, weights and erg training.
Trinity Hall is currently the only college fielding wooden boats in Bumps. These boats are too big and heavy and are no longer fit for purpose. In order to compete on a level playing field against other Colleges, we need to improve the stock of boats and blades that we have. The priority is to purchase new 8s for M1 and W1.
Many of the oars at the club are a fixed length and are handed down from previous generations of THBC rowers: the novice women currently use blades from M1 and M2 in the 1980s. Having modern adjustable oars would facilitate training for novices and also greatly decrease the risk of injury.
The Supporters of Trinity Hall Chapel Choir
The Supporters of Trinity Hall Chapel Choir was launched in April 2015 in order to:
- encourage donations to support this fantastic cornerstone of musical life at Trinity Hall
- providing funds for further development and educational opportunities
- ensuring the longevity of the College’s current provision for Chapel music for many future generations of students by:
- supporting a choral scholarship for £100 per year (or endowed fund of £2,500),
- fund an organ scholarships for £450 per year (or an endowment of £11,250),
- sponsoring a future CD recording (~£5,000)
- sponsoring a concert in College
- supporting future choir tours, with a plan to tour to the USA, and in particular assisting students in financial difficulty with the costs associated with a choir tour
- donate to help provide masterclasses and choral workshops and making them accessible to all students