Clubs and Societies
Whether inter-College sport, music or subject society, the collegiate structure allows students to take more of an active role in such activities, develop their skills and ensure a balance with work.
Donations to the Trinity Hall Fund have enabled us to purchase:
- new kit for the women’s football team
- new kit and equipment for the men’s rugby teams,
- equipment for the hockey team,
- new equipment for the boat club, including kitting out the gym at the new boathouse
- covers for the cricket pitch
- a new piano and harpsichord
- award two choral scholarships
This summer the tennis courts will be resurfaced thanks to philanthropic support.
Students who take part in extra activities at a university level, whether sport, drama or music, may require extra funds and they can apply for ad hoc funding. For those taking part in sports with Blues status, the Aula Club have kindly established awards to help with some of the costs incurred by competing at a university level. Around 15 students apply for the awards each year.