Access Initiatives
Attracting talent
Purpose: to help raise the aspirations of schoolchildren and ensure the best candidates apply to Cambridge.
Current focus:
- Expand the HE+ scheme to include more low performing schools in Bristol
- Collaborate with local Universities, the Oxford College with the same link area and intoUniversity
- Organise subject specific open days and events to encourage women in STEM subjects
Why support access initiatives?
The College and University are committed to ensuring that the higher levels of fees do not deter anyone from applying. The Admissions Office and the JCR Access Officers have a programme of reaching out to schools and to teachers to raise aspirations and dispel myths about Cambridge. Initiatives include hosting conferences in College for teachers in order to dispel myths about Cambridge, subject-specific open days and publications, and a tour of the schools in Somerset. Our current initiatives cost around £28,000 each year.
“ Access at Trinity Hall has come a long way in recent years; this can be seen in the College’s enthusiastic participation in the Cambassadors programme, the Shadowing Scheme, e-mentoring and the Target Schools Committee. Access is vital to extending the opportunities offered by Trinity Hall to the widest possible cross-section of students. ”
— Former JCR Access Officers