Meet the callers

The Trinity Hall Telephone Campaign 2024 will be held between 9 and 21 April and our team of student callers are looking forward to speaking with you.

Students hope to speak to you to update you on College news, share experiences and seek support for the Trinity Hall Fund.

Abby Reeve wearing Varsity t-shirt standing on the River Terrace with the Cam behind her.
History and Modern Languages

Abby Reeves

What are your personal interests?

“I try to expand my cultural consumption to cover a wide range of languages and cultures, especially as this links in with my degree studying French. Additionally, I am learning Spanish and Polish. My favourite book at the moment is The Master and the Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. I love the poetry of Frank O’Hara and my favourite director is Agnes Varda. I am also an amateur film photographer, inspired largely by Nan Goldin, and have the goal of learning to develop my own photos this year. Travel has always interested me, a trait I get from my mother who used to be a travel agent. This has been fed by my time spent living abroad in Paris last year, and my future plans to live in Australia and Amsterdam. I am a keen hockey player and play regularly for the University second team while also captaining the College team.”

Iris Jopp standing in a wooded area

Iris Jopp

Which Clubs or Societies are you involved in?

“I am currently writing theatre reviews for Varsity. I have also written and directed multiple shows in Cambridge. Most recently I co-directed the 2024 Trinity Hall musical for the second year in a row. This year it was Merrily We Roll Along and took place in the College’s Lecture Theatre following the success of the Trinity Hall Arts Festival (2023). I also attend Hesperides (Trinity Hall Poetry Society) which celebrated its centenary in February.”

Edward Mehegan-Potter on a cobbled street with a blue sky and white clouds.
Human, Social & Political Sciences

Edward Mehegan-Potter

Why do you think fundraising is important for the College?

“Fundraising has been a vital means for the College to continue to grow, make the lives of its members as enriching as possible, and open doors to opportunities which for many students, are often closed. Last summer, I was able to undertake an almost month-long language immersion course in Guatemala which has given me the confidence to apply for a Masters degree in Spain following my graduation. The generosity of alumni donors, the Gregson and Benn Fund, and the Ernest and Carmen Frank Fund, has in this way been potentially life-changing for me and I’m sure for many other students like me. It allows you to explore ambitions that financial constraints have otherwise limited.”

Marina Woods wearing a slim blue and purple scarf and black jacket on the Tube.
Human, Social & Political Sciences

Marina Woods

What are your personal interests?

“I love to keep busy; I play for the Trinity Hall netball team and regularly run around Jesus Green. I also enjoy reading and writing. I contribute to the Tab and Varsity, and love reading opinion pieces from the New Yorker.”

Louisa Yapp in a black graduation robe holding an orange Trinity Hall teddybear with greenery in the background.

Louisa Yapp

Why do you think fundraising is important for the College?

“Fundraising helps ensure that students passing through the College can make the most of the opportunities on offer to them. Studying at Trinity Hall is a wonderful privilege, and comes with a whole host of incredible opportunities – but without the necessary funds to support student-led activities and help students pursue their interests, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to access their full potential. Financial support from alumni allows us to bridge the gaps in funding, as tuition fees alone are not enough to cover the extra costs that make Trinity Hall the wonderful institution that it is.”

Kailan Hanson is a student caller. He is wearing a formal gown and tie.
MPhil Film and Screen Studies

Kailan Hanson

Why are you applying for this job?

“I thoroughly enjoyed partaking in the previous Telethon campaign, where I spoke with a diverse selection of Trinity Hall alumni. I found the experience very fulfilling and also entertaining, hearing about what different graduates have been up to since leaving the college and sharing my own experiences of Trinity Hall.”

Cassandra Hayward standing in a hat outside Trinity Hall
PhD Land Economy

Cassandra Hayward

Why do you think engaging with alumni is important?

“I think that alumni provide great insights for current students, as they’ve been through similar experiences that we can learn from. From the College perspective, strong alumni relations creates a robust College community and network of individuals invested in the College.”

Georgina Gillespie in formal gown at Trinity Hall
MPhil Multi-Disciplinary Gender studies

Georgiana Gillespie

Have you attended any events in College?

“I attended the PaTHways events including the fireside chat with Frank Mannion (film producer). These events gave me invaluable insights into different industries that I am considering for my future career. Furthermore, it is particularly helpful and inspiring to see how someone from an academic background, and specifically as a Trinity Hall alum, entered and has maintained a successful career in the film industry.”

Connor Phillips wearing a dark-coloured jacket on snowy terrain.

Connor Phillips

Which Clubs or Societies are you involved in?

“Over my time at Cambridge, I have been involved in a diverse range of clubs and societies. I have held several roles on the Cambridge Union committee, namely, Guest Liaison, LGBTQ+ Officer and Welfare Officer. I am Vice President of the Museum of Classical Archaeology Society and have also co-curated an exhibition in collaboration with the museum. I rowed for Trinity Hall for my first year and achieved blades in Lent Bumps. Additionally, I am also an active member of the Jazz Society, Trinity & Trinity Hall Music Society, the Fitzwilliam Museum Society, various film societies, and ArcSoc.”

Reuben Baldwin wearing narrow-framed glasses, a black polo top and grey jacket standing in Front Court.

Reuben Baldwin

Why do you think engaging with alumni is important?

“The alumni constitute a vital part of the community at Trinity Hall and I intend on maintaining a connection to the College in the long term. The alumni want to keep up to date with the affairs of students currently at College. The alumni are also given opportunities to make donations to support the student community. I also look forward to hearing how alumni have made use of their experiences in College for their careers.”

Izzy Soloman near a river, trees and hills.

Izzy Solomon

Why are you applying for this job?

“I’ve done it before so I know I enjoy it. It’s lovely to speak to alumni and hear about their time at College, especially older alumni – I like learning about how the College has changed. It’s also lovely to get the chance to spend time with students in different years that I wouldn’t normally talk to as much.”

Alex Price wearing a dark blue Trinity Hall Boat Club jacket with white headphones around his neck.

Alex Price

Have you attended any events in College?

“I love getting involved in College life – whether it be attending formals, dressing up for Superhalls, dancing at bops, or attending academic events put on around the College. My favourite recent event has been the Law Society dinner, where I was able to connect with many alumni through conversations about our time at Trinity Hall and their experiences after graduation. Having served as the elected Class Act Officer the past year, I believe I am well connected throughout College and in a great position to discuss College life with alumni over the phone.”

Anjali Darling sitting with a small white poodle on her lap.

Anjali Darling

Have you attended any events in College?

“I regularly attend talks put on by the Trinity Hall History Society which I find to be a lovely way to experience a subject I love in a wider way, through learning about topics that I would not necessarily experience in the modules I take. I am always grateful to hear about the unique research interests of those giving the talks and to learn from leading experts. Having been intrigued by the sculptures placed around the College, including in Avery Court where I lived in my first year, I attended Professor Mary Beard in conversation with Stephen Cox last year. Having been a big fan of Mary Beard’s work for a long time, it was very exciting to see her deliver a talk in person about something so close to home.”