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Written by:
Paul Holland
21 Sep 2022

Mary Hockaday has taken up post as the new Master of Trinity Hall this week.

The Master’s appointment was announced in May. Mary Hockaday has had a distinguished career in broadcast journalism, most recently as Director of BBC World Service. She studied English at Trinity Hall as an undergraduate and was elected to an Honorary Fellowship in 2016. She will be the first woman to take up the role of Master at Trinity Hall in its 670-year history.

The Master says: “A career in broadcast news, with the BBC World Service and leading the BBC Newsroom, has given me a deep commitment to freedom of information and speech, and to the importance of independent institutions with clear values. I hope to help our students develop the critical thinking and empathetic leadership skills to help them thrive, and to support our brilliant Fellows, many of whom are working on global challenges.”