08 Dec 2020
Documenting life during lockdown has prompted the Trinity Hall community to produce some beautiful images. From spending life indoors to escaping the confines of their rooms, exploring nature or even fitting in a bit of unicycle-riding, College life this year has proved anything but dull despite the challenges posed by the Coronavirus pandemic.
To celebrate our community’s creativity and verve, the Admissions and the Alumni & Development offices ran a photo competition with the primary aim of capturing “life at Trinity Hall during a pandemic”.
Staff, Fellows and students of the College submitted more than 80 entries to the competition and in the end three students picked up the winner and runner-up prizes.
The winner, announced today (8 December), was Irina Ferapontova, a fourth year Biochemist at Trinity Hall, living in the College’s Wychfield site. Her photo (top image), titled “Make a Wish: looking out on a double rainbow over Launcelot Fleming from the Boulton House window seat,” really captured the imagination of the judges.
Chief judge, Lloyd Mann, Film and Digital Media Communications Officer at the University of Cambridge, said: “The winning photo really captured the mixed emotions of lockdown. Technically it was excellently; framed with eye-catching colours and the area looked like it was a place they often used to sit and take in the world. The photographer seems to have jumped up from where they were sat to catch the rainbow. There’s a melancholy to the shot but it still makes you wish you were sat there, relaxing with that wonderful view. I think we’ve all had those moments of quiet during lockdown.
“So many of the entries into the competition showed that while lockdown has been a challenge there has been humour and joy in there too. Many people chose shots that highlighted the wonderful surroundings of Trinity Hall and the people in it.
“It was a pleasure to view the photos – well done to all those who took part in the competition.”
The two runners up were second year Engineering student Andrea Giudici and first year History of Art undergraduate Winnie Zhu.
Andrea took a picture “Door to Wychfield” because, he said: “I found the chromatic interplay between the red brick wall, the green of Wychfield and the autumn colours a great frame to capture a lonely walk, with face mask of course.”
Winnie depicted this year’s Matriculation celebrations and captured two friends in formal gowns and masks inside the College’s Front Court.
Special mentions were also given to Irina Ferepontova’s Halloween Competition image which made the judges smile, and Christel Lim’s picture of a student household’s creative activities. The fourth year Management student said: “Lockdown has given us the opportunity to take full advantage of Trinity Hall’s wonderful kitchen facilities. I’ve been so blessed to be able to bond with my household through spending six hours making character bentos, making stencils and carving (Pikachu) pumpkins together.”
The winning entry won vouchers worth £50 and the runners up received vouchers worth £25.