07 Feb 2018
1. Description by M. R. James
Haenel 9.
Paper, 73/8 x 53/4, ff. 83, 27 lines to a page.
Cent. xvi, neatly written.
Arms of Parker on the binding. A chevron between 3 keys (2 and 1) bearing three stars of 6 points.
Inside the cover a woodcut 411/16 x 4 of the arms of Corpus Christi College.
Below, written :
Signat auis Christum qui sanguine pascit Alumnos: Lilia Virgo parens intemerata refert.
Above :
ye meetynge at Benett Coll. 6° Augusti vel infra tres aut quatuor dies ante vel post praedictum diem ad extremum.
On the flyleaf :
ffor Trinitie halle.
1. Of the Bookes:
Abp Parker’s Indenture concerning his library, in Latin, occupying 91/2 leaves.
On blank page:
Note in English by John Parker, Aug. 6, 1593, of books not found by him.
2. Inventarium librorum in maiore Bibliotheca, with coloured initial B, containing the arms of Parker and of Trinity Hall.
The form of entry is:
Biblia Latina Castalionis, 1 vol. fo. lig. 1554.
The books are classed according to subjects.
Then follows:
A. Libri in minore Bibliotheca.
Homerus grece Odisse et Jlias. ‘Me:nin aeide thea.’
These are all MSS. arranged in classes from A to W.
Then :
On the grounde, under B.
Under C.
Bokes in parchment closures as they lye on heaps. Mostly printed Books : 23 “heaps” are enumerated.
Then : Standyng on the shelves within the Lockes as here directed by seuen figures.
Printed books, in seven classes.
Miscellanea A.
These are volumes of MSS. of miscellaneous contents. The items and pages are given. They run from A to Z.
At top : Theis to be kepte within the little Library.
The first is :
Epistole Martini Buceri.
A further list of 35 MS. volumes beginning with Epistole principum clarorurn et proborum hominum,
and ending with Rotula in pergameno de anglia terra in Corio Rubro.
Parker’s Indenture concerning his Plate, in English.
List of “Bookes to remayne within the under Chamber of the xth Chamber on the East side for the common use of all vi Norwiche schollers”
(nine in number: prices given).
Implements to remayne within the under Chambers of the ixth, xth and xith Chambers on the easte side for the vse of certen Norwiche scholers nowe founded in Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.
© N.J.R. James