Dorothy Burrowes
Two years ago, law student Dorothy stepped onto a rugby pitch for the first time as a novice player. This Saturday (2 April 2022) she will run onto the most famous rugby pitch in England as Cambridge take on rivals Oxford in the Varsity Rugby Match at Twickenham.

When did your interest in rugby begin and what was the appeal for you?
I’ve always been interested by the idea of rugby, because it’s a sport that is very rarely available for girls to learn at school. It was a promotional video produced by Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club (CURUFC) women that really sealed the deal – it just seemed like such a welcoming and exciting club to be a part of.
How do you manage your studies and personal life alongside training for a high-profile match?
I love having rugby to look forward to in the evenings, because it’s a place where I can not only forget about work for a bit, but also see some of my favourite people. It’s very sociable as well as a physical challenge! As for fitting work in, setting time aside for rugby means I work more effectively (or at least, that’s the idea!) It forces me to let go of work and not be too much of a perfectionist, which I love.
What are you most looking forward to about this year’s Varsity match?
I’m probably most excited by the very idea of playing in the match. But we absolutely smashed O*ford in the second and third team Varsities, so I’m excited to continue that trend for the women’s side this year.
How do you feel about playing at Twickenham, the home of English rugby?
I am SO excited for this year’s match, because I’ve actually never been to Twickenham before. The very idea of running on to a pitch with such strong rugby history, for the 150th anniversary of CURUFC, is mind-boggling.
Do you have any advice for someone interested in playing rugby?
If you’re at all interested in playing rugby just do it. Especially if you’ve never played before. For the women’s side of CURUFC there are so many development sessions, and such a strong cohort of people who have never played before joining the club each year. It’s so worth it. That was me two years ago – you never know where it might lead you!
What’s your favourite thing about Trinity Hall?
The atmosphere and the people. It’s friendly and bustling and always a beautiful place to be.
What’s your favourite place in Cambridge?
Grantchester in summertime! When the sun’s out, everyone’s there and exams are over, there’s honestly nothing like it.