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Written by:
Kathryn Martin-Chambers
19 Jan 2021

The new lockdown means even more emphasis on working and studying from home.

Kate Hodge, the new College Health and Safety Advisor who started working here after the Christmas break, has some top tips for staying healthy and motivated when working from home.

Kate Hodge, Health and Safety Advisor

Kate Hodge, Health and Safety Advisor

Kate who is based at King’s College and splits her time between Trinity Hall and King’s, said: “I am very happy to be working with everyone in the College. Any member of staff, Fellow or student can contact me for health and safety advice.”

“I know as well as everyone that working from home has its challenges. It’s really important to remember that the pandemic has had an effect on us all and that even making quite basic allowances for ourselves can make all the difference.”

Kate can be reached via the her work email.

Kate’s Health and Safety Tips for staying healthy and motivated when working from home!

Create a Routine!

Humans are creatures of habit and we generally dislike changes to our routines. Emotions such as helplessness, despair and anger can affect our behaviour when we are faced with this sudden disruption. To combat this – try and mimic your usual work routine, get up at the same time, get dressed, use your usual commute time in the mornings and evenings to go for a walk or bike ride.

Stick to your Work Hours!

Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of working longer hours. A common mistake is to feel guilty for being at home and compensate for that by working for longer. You are not as efficient or productive if you are tired and working too much! Take your breaks and start and finish on time.

Have a virtual Coffee Break or Lunch Break

Missing your colleagues? You are not alone – they miss you too! Arrange to take your morning coffee break together, set up a video chat and have a catch up with your colleagues.  You are not the only one feeling isolated and lonely, talk to each other and support one another.

Stretch and Exercise!

Get up from your desk regularly – at least every hour. Stand up, stretch, walk around and move away from your work space for a few minutes. Set an alarm on your phone or computer to remind you to do this if necessary. 

Be Kind to yourself!

We are all struggling with the pandemic and the lockdown. Remind yourself that it is OK if you feel upset, angry and worried. Everyone is feeling like this. You are not alone. 

Support each other, pick up the phone, send an email or text and remind yourself and each other that this will not last forever, we will all be back together soon.

For more on Lent Term 2021 at Trinity Hall including tips on working and studying from home, information on Coronavirus, and guidance for those in College go to the Lent Term 2021 webpages.