Trinity Hall Prize in Student Journalism

The Trinity Hall Prize in Student Journalism recognises excellence in journalism among students at the University of Cambridge. It is open to all Cambridge undergraduates and postgraduates in all fields of study.

Submissions for the 2024/5 Prize will open in Michealemas Term 2024.

The Prize

A prize of £500 will be awarded to one winner in the News category and to one winner in the Features category.


You can submit:

  • up to 2,000 words for the News category,
  • up to 5,000 words for the Feature category,
  • a video or audio piece no more than 5 minutes in length for either category.

Entries must have been previously published with evidence of engagement and reaching an audience. No minimum reach is required but the entry must have reasonably been in the public domain.

There is the option for applicants to submit a few sample pages of investigatory notes alongside the final submission (noting anything confidential should be redacted).


Open to both undergraduates and postgraduates studying at the University of Cambridge at the time the entry is submitted.


A judging panel will be formed of eminent journalists, including Trinity Hall alumni, who are experienced in a range of media formats. Longlisting will be carried out by the Master and a Fellow or University communications professional. Following longlisting, the judging panel will consider entries against the Judging Criteria Marking Scheme.

Entries will judged on whether they:

  • are well-researched and accurate
  • show evidence of rigour and craft skills
  • are balanced and fair (in the case of the News category)
  • are compelling and relevant to the intended audience
  • show care and consideration for those whose stories are being told
  • show evidence of engagement and/or impact

With thanks to Beth Sufian and Jim Passamano for supporting the Trinity Hall Prize in Student Journalism.